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Balloon Bowling

Ideal Caregivers 4u

Who said exercise can't be fun?! Try playing tabletop bowling with a balloon and you will see how quickly the smiles and laughs come to the faces of those who play...and watch!

Here's what you need:

  • 6 plastic bowling pins/empty plastic soda bottles

  • 4 badminton rackets/fly swatters/pool noodles/really anything you could move a balloon with

  • 1 balloon (on the largish side, if possible)

  • 1 long table

  • Seating for 4

Here's how to play:

  1. Set the pins up along both ends of the table, 3 on each side.

  2. Seat 2 people at both ends of the table. One end of the table is team 1, and the other is team 2.

  3. The object of the game is for each team to try and knock the opposite team's pins down by hitting the balloon with their "rackets".

  4. At the same time, they're also trying to stop the opposing team from knocking down their pins, by swatting the balloon away.

Optional - You may reset the pins every time someone knocks one down or leave as is and whichever team knocks all 3 pins down, wins!


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