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Ideal Caregivers 4u
Sep 24, 20203 min read
Sleep and the Elderly
Often, as we age, we experience normal changes in our sleeping patterns, such as becoming sleepy earlier, waking up earlier, or...

Ideal Caregivers 4u
Jul 2, 20202 min read
Summer Skin Care Tips for Seniors
Now that we are in the throws of the summer season, lets remind ourselves of proper skin care needed for our elderly loved ones and those...

Ideal Caregivers 4u
May 28, 20203 min read
Understanding Anxiety Disorders
Mental health plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and aging well overall. Many older adults may not be able to tell...

Ideal Caregivers 4u
May 7, 20203 min read
Benefits of Journaling
As a caregiver, we understand the stresses and challenges that come with providing care for others. One effective way to relieve that...

Ideal Caregivers 4u
Apr 8, 20201 min read
Fun Facts: Seniors!
Believe it or not, getting older has its benefits! Those over the age of 65 are wiser, know themselves better, and become part of a...
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