In today's activity, we thought it would be fun to use old Scrabble tiles (or other letter tiles you may have) to create framed artwork.
Scrabble letter tiles are quite versatile not only to play a game with friends but also for arts and crafts! You can use the tiles as the frame itself to place a photo inside of loved ones or you can frame the letters that form special words, as in this activity, to inspire and brighten someone's day!


Scrabble or other letter tiles
Strong Craft glue
Wooden frames
Cardstock or durable craft paper
Stickers and other embellishments
Decide on the word you would like to display. You can choose words such as Love, Family, Courage, Health, or Faith. You may also want to choose the names of family or friends. Select the letters you need and set them aside.
Using craft paper or cardstock, trace the outside of the frame onto the paper. This will give you an idea of the size you need for your "word picture". Cut along the traced outline.
Select the paint colour of your choice and begin to paint the wooden picture frame (found at most dollar or craft stores) using long brush strokes. Set it aside to dry fully.
Arrange your letters to form the word you want to display and carefully glue each letter down to the cardstock or craft paper. Let dry.
Place the cardstock behind the frame with the word picture facing outwards through the frame and glue or clip to the frame.
Display your frame in an area to inspire and start conversations!
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