Tapioca is a starch from the roots of the cassava plant, which is native to Brazil. It can take many forms, but the small pearls are what is used to make tapioca pudding.
Tapioca pudding is a classic dessert that takes only 30mins to make! It's great comfort food that is often not seen or made nowadays as store-bought processed puddings become more convenient. However, if you or your elderly loved one is looking for a nostalgic treat to their day, try this delicious recipe!
Tapioca Pudding
Makes 5 cups

1 c. large pearl tapioca
4 c milk
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 c milk
1 1/2 c granulated sugar
1 tsp salt
1/4 flour
1 T sugar or 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
Soak tapioca in 2 cups of water overnight (if package instructions call for it).
Put tapioca in a large pan with 2 cups of milk and 1/2 cups of sugar. Cook over medium heat until tapioca is clear (15 to 20 minutes). Stir often to avoid sticking.
Separate eggs. Put yolks in a bowl.
Beat egg yolks. Add 1 cup sugar and 1/4 cup flour. Stir in 2 cups milk. Add to first tapioca mixture. Cook until thick.
Add 1 T sugar or 1/2 tsp cream of tartar to egg whites and beat until stiff peaks form.
When tapioca is thick, pour hot tapioca mixture into beaten egg whites.
Add vanilla and fold egg whites into pudding.
Serve it hot or cold, with a side of fresh fruit or on its own!
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