Making a personal charm bracelet is a great way to engage both men and women in group or partner activities. Choosing bobbles and beads of their favourite colours, sorting them by shape and stringing them benefits their cognitive and fine motor functions. It is also a lot of fun!
Personalized Bracelets

Bead cord or Embroidery Floss, preferably with stretchiness to them.
Selection of holed beads, block letters, plastic or wooden shapes, etc.
Using the cord or embroidery floss, loosely measure around the person's wrist, leaving about a 2-finger gap between skin and thread to allow for bead sizes etc.
Cut the floss or cord, leaving about 2 - 3cm of thread on either end for tying.
Tie a knot at about 5cm from on the edges. The knot should be large enough that the beads do not pass through. This will help secure them in place
Begin with your first bead, thread the floss through the hole and pull along until you reach the knot. Continue until you have completed their design. Depending on the size of the beads or the length of their name (If using lettered beads/blocks), try not to exceed more than half the length of the bracelet.
Once completed, loosely wrap the bracelet around their wrist and tie both ends together. Make sure that the bracelet can easily slide off if needed.
If you would like more activities for seniors or want more information about the services we provide, visit our website today!
Servicing the Ottawa Community since 1998.
We are now accepting clients in Smith Falls, Kemptville, Prescott, Brockville, through to Kingston, Ontario.
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