Today is March 1st! Spring is on its way and we are excited to begin decorating with bright, colourful reminders of the approaching season!
One way to brighten up your elderly loved one's space is with a colourful paper flower bouquet!
Here's what you need:
Craft paper in Green, Orange, Yellow, and Blue...or any 4 colours of your choice!
Craft glue
Pencil for tracing or drawing shapes

Using blue craft paper (or colour of your choice), draw and cut out a kite shape. This shape is being used as the background and should therefore be the largest shape. Then, using the same colour craft paper, cut out a triangle shape the same size as the bottom of your kite shape. This will be used as the front pocket area for the flowers.
Next, use two corresponding colours (orange and yellow, for example) to draw and cut out 3 flower outlines with 3 circles to represent the middle of the flower. Assemble, by placing the center circles on top of each of the flower shapes, with glue.
Using green craft paper, cut out three long, thin rectangles to act as the flower stems. Glue a stem to each of the flowers.
Place the triangle-shape on top of the kite-shaped background and glue the bottom side edges ONLY in order to keep an opening at the top as a pocket for the flowers.
Once dry, place the flowers inside the pocket and hang or display the beautiful bouquet on a door or wall area.

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