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Nov. 16: This Day in History

Ideal Caregivers 4u

1840 New Zealand becomes a separate colony, no longer administered by New

South Wales, Australia.

1855 Missionary and explorer David Livingstone becomes the first non-African

to sight Victoria Falls in Africa.

1920 Australian airline Qantas is founded.

1959 #1 Hit: The Fleetwoods - Mr. Blue Walt Disney launches Epcot Center: Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow.

1974 #1 Hit: John Lennon - Whatever Gets You Thru the Night

1985 #1 Hit: Starship - We Built This City

2006 Great Firewall of China begins, giving the Chinese government much

control over what can be seen online by its citizens.




"We need to laugh, we need to be scared, we need to hug our girl in the theatre."
-- Clu Gulager


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