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Halloween BINGO!

Ideal Caregivers 4u

As you may have noticed, the Halloween candy has arrived in full force at our local stores and that means the Halloween season is upon us! It's a great day to come together with our elderly clients and loved ones for some laughter, costumes, crafts, and social games.

One such game is Halloween BINGO! Everyone loves to play BINGO and what makes this one special is the use of fun Halloween characters and symbols. It can be played as individuals, partners or even teams! The best part? winning of course! You can decide what the prizes will be based on the interests and dietary needs of the senior in your care.

Halloween BINGO

For the game we found here, the game cards do not use the letters B-I-N-G-O. This is helpful for those in memory care or who have other limited cognitive abilities.


Cue Cards for Callers (see below)

BINGO game boards (see below)

Bingo dabber, small pieces of paper, or plastic cubes/counters

Game Play Rules: The rules are simple and can be adapted depending on the needs of the players. Using the cue cards, the Bingo caller says the word(s) out loud one at a time to all players. If a player has that picture/image, they can cover it using a Bingo dabber or a small piece of paper. Typically, the first to reach one full line or a full card calls out "BINGO!". The card is then checked for accuracy and they win a prize. The game can continue until most or all players have won.

Find the downloadable files below:


Caller Cards


Happy Halloween!

Servicing the Ottawa Community since 1998.

We are now accepting clients in Smith Falls, Kemptville, Prescott, Brockville, through to Kingston, Ontario.


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