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Clothespin Craft for Seniors

A great way to inspire fond memories with familiar objects is to incorporate them in every activities and/or crafts we do with our senior clients with Dementia.

One such way is by using wooden clothespins to create fun and colourful designs!

Clothespins are very nostalgic to many of our aged population and can start up stories from their childhood, family life, or even careers.

This simple craft idea begins with plain wooden clothespins, easily found in our homes, dollar stores, big-box chains, or wherever crafts and laundry supplies are found. You can also opt to using pre-coloured clothespins, depending on the needs of your loved one.

Clothespin Wreaths

What you need:

  • Wooden clothespins (between 60 - 80 depending on size of wreath)

  • Craft Paint in bright spring/summer colours (limit colours to 2 or 3)

  • Narrow sponge brush

  • Wire Wreath form (found in most craft stores)

  • Trimmings (like seashells, paper flowers, ribbons, etc.) **optional

  • Glue

What to Do:

  1. Using your wreath form, begin by clipping each clothespin to the wired form, staggering at each level of the form.

  2. Once you have filled the circular wreath form, use the sponge brush and paints and paint each clothespin, alternating between two colours.

  3. Allow paint to dry before gluing any trimmings, such as seashells, paper flowers, butterflies, etc. to decorate the wreath. **This is optional

  4. Using a ribbon/string or hooks, hang the decorative wreath on your loved one's door as a colourful and special reminder of Spring!

**You may opt to use pre-coloured clothespins (although it's usually a more costly option). Also we preferred to paint the clothespins while already connected to the wreath form, for ease of handling and drying.

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