Who doesn't love a colourful balloon!? This game is sure to get some laughs, gentle activity, and some social time for your elderly loved one.
This game is all about keeping the balloon afloat in the air, and it starts with some basic items: balloons and fly swatters (both can be found at most dollar stores!).
What you need:
3 or 4 inflated balloons
A plastic fly swatter or raquet (badminton works best for size and grip) for each player (other options may include paper towel rolls or empty rolls of wrapping paper)
Chairs/Wheelchairs for seating
How to Play
Arrange the seated players, in groups or partners, in a circle or facing one another, leaving enough space between players to avoid any safety concerns or injuries.
Provide a swatter for each player
Using the inflated balloons, explain that they must "swat" the balloon to keep it from falling or from getting into their space.
Make sure to play some happy, upbeat music in the background.
This game is not only fun and will guarantee a few smiles and giggles, but it also provides mild, gentle physical activity. It's an opportunity for socializing with their peers and/or family members, and keeps their minds active when coordinating eye-hand movements.
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