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Ideal Caregivers 4u
Nov 11, 20213 min read
Step by step guide on how to create and share your unique legacy.
By Nancy Dahdah ~End-of-Life Doula It is only when you - the artist of your life - decide what will be made of your life that it takes on...

Ideal Caregivers 4u
Nov 10, 20212 min read
Lemon Poppy Sugar Cookies
There are a number of ways we honour our Veterans and those who currently serve this country during #RemembranceDay. One way can be by...

Ideal Caregivers 4u
Nov 9, 20211 min read
Nov. 9: This Day in History
#Onthisday in history we celebrate innovation in science, sports, and entertainment. Servicing the Ottawa Community since 1998. We are...

Ideal Caregivers 4u
Nov 5, 20211 min read
Fun Facts: Monopoly
On November 5th, 1935 Parker Brothers launch the board game Monopoly! Originally invented by a woman, an international phenomenon sold...

Ideal Caregivers 4u
Nov 4, 20211 min read
Movember for Men's Health
The month of November has begun and so has a greater awareness of men's health. Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s...
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